What’s Better for Fat Loss: Cardio or Dieting?

Both cardio and dieting are important for fat loss, but they work in different ways. Cardio burns calories and can potentially use fat stores as a fuel source, which can help you lose unwanted weight.  

Dieting is also an effective strategy for fat loss by creating a caloric deficit.  A caloric deficit simply means that we are burning more calories than we are putting into our bodies; weight loss is the result.  

The best way to lose fat is to combine cardio and dieting. Cardio will help you burn calories while potentially using fat stores as a fuel source, while dieting will help you create a caloric deficit. By combining these two methods, you can effectively lose weight and reduce body fat.

Benefits of combining a healthy diet with regular cardio exercise:

Synergy: Diet and cardio complement each other, creating a larger calorie deficit and thus enhancing fat loss.

Muscle Preservation: Including resistance training (like weight lifting) in addition to cardio can help preserve muscle mass while losing fat, as it maintains a healthy metabolic rate.  You can maintain muscle and strength while dieting by aiming to consume 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight per day.

Overall Health: Both diet and cardio contribute to improved cardiovascular health, endurance, and overall well-being.  Make sure that 90% of your diet comes from whole foods, and you are getting a few sessions of cardio per week for cardiovascular health.

Sustainability: A balanced approach is more sustainable in the long term, as extreme diets or excessive cardio can be hard to maintain and lead to burnout.

Here are some additional tips for fat loss:

  • Do cardio at least 3-5 times per week for at least 30 minutes per session.  You burn more, you lose more!

  • Focus on high-intensity interval training (HIIT) cardio, which is more effective for fat loss than steady-state cardio.

  • Lift weights 2-3 times per week to build and maintain muscle while losing body fat.

  • Eat a healthy diet that is low in calories and high in protein.  Foods that are high in protein and fiber will help keep you full, and eat fewer calories.

  • Get enough sleep (shoot for 7-9 hours per night).

  • Manage stress.

Balance is key—a moderate calorie deficit, a mix of cardio and resistance training, and a nourishing diet are the best strategies for effective and sustainable fat loss.

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Ford Stevens