Exercise spotlight: Booty Builder hip thrusts

Today we’re talking about hip thrusts. This simple exercise builds glute size and strength and supports overall lower body strength.

At BXF, we provide access to the Booty Builder, a specially designed machine to provide optimal glute activation to deliver the most efficient results from the hip thrust movement. The Booty Builder allows for a larger range of motion, which improves muscle activation across the entire posterior chain, building strength in the glutes, hamstrings, core, and hip and knee extensors. The increased range of motion also encourages increased flexibility. 

Here are just a few of the reasons we think this exercise deserves a spot in your routine:

Glute development. Hip thrusts are one of the most effective exercises for building and strengthening the glute muscles. They specifically target the gluteus maximus, which plays a crucial role in overall lower body strength, and this glute strength supports the rest of your lower body big lifts, including compound lifts such as squats and deadlifts.

Improved athletic performance. Incorporating hip thrusts into your training regimen can enhance your power, speed, and overall performance. Strong glutes power athletic movements, such as running, jumping, and lifting. This type of targeted glute work can be especially helpful for runners who are quad dominant or worried about glute underactivation during their runs.

Aesthetics. We’ve talked before how strength training can help you sculpt the type of body you want in ways that cardio never can! The Booty Builder does exactly what its name implies, and hip thrusts generally are a fantastic tool in your toolbox to shape and sculpt your glutes.

Improved posture and stability. Weak glutes can contribute to poor posture and instability in the posterior chain. Strengthening glutes, on the other hand, can help improve posture, reduce lower back pain, and enhance overall stability and balance.

Injury prevention. Strong glutes support the hips, knees, and lower back. Stronger glutes can reduce the risk of injuries in these areas and can promote better joint alignment and mechanics.

If you’re interested in learning more about how you can incorporate hip thrusts to reach your fitness goals, or you’re looking to try out one of the few Booty Builders in New Orleans, reach out today for a free consultation with one of our trainers. We’re always excited to help connect people with a routine that will help them reach their goals effectively and efficiently!

Ford Stevens