Small-Group Boxing Training at BXF

There’s a lot to love about small-group training, which is why we’re excited to offer small-group boxing training at BXF. Our newest all-star trainer, Rosie Nowhitney, is a top ten nationally ranked USA boxer as well as a certified personal trainer. She leads clients in 1:1 and small-group training sessions, building boxing skills and incorporating HIIT and resistance training to meet each clients’ goals. 

Rosie’s boxing training combines shadowboxing, bag work, weight training, and HIIT, depending on client goals, and it is accessible to people of all ages. With small-group training sessions, Rosie works with groups of only 2–4 and group fitness classes.

Personalized Attention

Unlike a traditional group fitness class, in a small-group session, each participant is able to get a lot of 1:1 attention from the trainer. The result is a safer and more personalized experience. It takes lots of time and lots of coaching from an experienced boxer to learn the intricacies of the sport. Rosie will make sure that you get the attention you need in order to build and refine your skills, all while getting you more fit than you’ve ever been.

More Affordable

Small-group sessions provide many of the benefits of 1:1 training but at a lower cost. For anyone interested in working with a personal trainer but hesitant about the cost, small-group training can be a more affordable option. And while the dynamic won’t be exactly the same as a 1:1 session, it can give you more direct experience of the types of benefits that come from working with a personal trainer.


When training with only a couple other people, you have a built in accountability group. Research shows that accountability buddies work to help people stick to fitness plans longer and lose more weight. With such a small training group, that accountability is baked in. More group-mates means more energy, more enthusiasm, and more motivation—even on those inevitable days when you’d rather be doing something else!

Teamwork and Progress

Seeing others face the same struggles and overcome them to meet their goals can be hugely motivating to help us do the same. In small-group training sessions, you get a front-row seat to the progress of the rest of your group, as well as a supportive environment to give and get encouragement. And unlike a traditional group class, the group progresses together, meaning the workouts evolve over time to meet the group where they are. This leads to more variety to keep you interested.

New Insights

Have you ever gone to an exam study session even though you didn’t have a specific question in mind? Maybe you felt pretty confident about the material, or maybe you didn’t even know where to start. If so, you probably found that you learned a lot just from hearing other people’s questions—other people who thought about things from a different angle, who encountered different problems, or found other solutions. Small-group training sessions can be a lot like that. Someone’s challenge with form can prompt you to improve your own, and someone else’s question about technique can lead to a burst of growth for the whole group. This effect is particularly helpful for a group like boxing training, where you are learning a skill, not just putting in reps. 

Social Benefits

A lot of recent research has pointed to the troubling health effects of loneliness—social isolation is associated with an increased risk of death and poorer mental and physical health. Small-group classes are a great way to inject a burst of casual positive social interactions into your week, and research shows that group exercise reduces stress and improves mental and emotions quality-of-life measures. Working in a group can also be a lot of fun, and that keeps us coming back for more!

If you’re interested in trying out a small-group boxing training session, reach out to us at BXF! And stay posted for more information about semi-private training sessions coming in 2023!

Ford Stevens