Seven benefits of hiring a personal trainer

There are many reasons for hiring a personal trainer, and one-on-one personal training offers far more benefits than you may imagine. Whether you are just starting out with an exercise program, or have been working out for many years and would like to see improved results, read on for the top reasons you may want to hire a personal trainer.

1. Goal setting

Many people enter a gym not knowing exactly what they want to achieve. They’re not sure whether they should prioritize losing weight, building muscle, improving cardiovascular fitness, or if they should be trying to do all of those at the same time. Without clear goals, new fitness enthusiasts often try a little bit of everything, which ultimately can lead to little to no progress and a lack of investment in working out in general. A good personal trainer can help you identify exactly what you want to achieve in the gym, and then help you formulate a plan to get results. At Body By Ford Personal Training, we develop individualized training plans based on a client’s goals, needs, pre-existing injuries, and schedule. Working toward a clear goal and with the desired result in mind makes exercise feel more exciting and sustainable over time.

2. Increased Accountability

With scheduled workouts and planned programming from a professional, you are more likely to stick to a program and get long-lasting results. While some may already have intrinsic motivation to exercise, most gym-goers benefit from a trainer monitoring progress, nutrition, and performance in solo workouts. Knowing that you’ll need to report in, have a standing appointment, and are investing money and time helps keep you focused on your goals.

3. Knowledge Is Power

A personal trainer will help you learn more about how your body works, how to execute proper exercise form, how to avoid injuries, and about health and fitness in general. You might benefit from having a trainer around for support, supervision, and as a workout buddy. Your trainer will motivate you, spot you, and keep you safe. They will inform you about the most effective exercises, demonstrate good form and offer feedback, teach you about your muscles and how to target specific ones, and provide workout support as you progress through your fitness journey.

4. Individualized Plans

Every person and physique is different, and you need a customized plan for your body, natural abilities, current level of fitness, and long-term goals. Body By Ford Personal Training provides muscle building and weight loss workout plans, health and nutrition coaching, and one-on-one personal training specifically tailored to each client. Our certified fitness professionals are trained to work with clients of all backgrounds and fitness levels in order to help them meet their specific goals. Every workout you do at BXF is meticulously planned and tracked to ensure you make progress on your own tailored training program. If sufficient, efficient progress isn’t being made, data-driven decisions are made to alter our plan and approach. Fitness is not one-size-fits-all. This is the Body By Ford difference.

5. Variety & Results

If you’ve been exercising for some time and not making discernable progress, a personal trainer can evaluate your current program and tweak your workouts to make them more effective, examine your goals to see if they are realistic, and help you stay motivated through those challenging moments. They can introduce new exercises and techniques, which can result in increased efficiency and results. Personal trainers can help you make progress, whether you are just starting out or have stalled in reaching your goals. Perhaps most importantly, personal trainers can introduce new styles of training that you’ve never tried before and make working out dynamic and fun. This can lead to renewed investment in your workouts, more dedication to your nutrition plan, and a sense of excitement for workouts rather than dread.

6. Nutritional Advice

Proper nutrition is the key to building muscle, losing weight, and maintaining optimal health while working toward your fitness goals. Developing a plan, however, can be daunting. It can be difficult to know which foods are best suited to your health goals and when in the day to eat what. At Body By Ford, we have a certified nutrition coach to ensure you can adjust your nutrition as your physique and fitness levels change.

7. Mental Health

A good personal trainer takes an interest in your life and progress, is in your corner rooting for you in challenging moments, and can help you adjust your plan when your progress starts to stall. An effective workout is one of the best sources of stress relief, endorphin production, and anxiety reduction, and working out has many benefits that can help overcome mental challenges. Numerous studies have proven the profound relationship between physical and mental health, and anyone who has ever fought through a tough workout can relate to the pride and sense of accomplishment that comes from within.

If you are looking for personal training in the New Orleans area, reach out to us at Body By Ford. We’d love to work with you to achieve your health and fitness goals!

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