10 Ways to Keep Your Fitness Resolutions

The start of a new year is a popular time to make health and fitness resolutions. The new year offers a blank slate to start over with good intentions. So how do you turn those good intentions into positive results? Whether you’ve decided to lose weight, get back into shape, or just adopt a healthier lifestyle, these 10 tips can help you keep your fitness resolutions.

Create accountability to stay on track toward meeting your goals. For many people, having an accountability partner, who you check in with about your progress or whether you made it to the gym that day, can be a huge boost in motivation to make it to your next workout. An exercise partner is another great way to create accountability and increase motivation. If you want to keep it simple, create accountability to yourself using a tracker to check off each workout you complete.

 Celebrate Small Wins
Track your progress on a daily or weekly basis to keep yourself motivated and on track. Don’t wait until you meet a long-term goal to pat yourself on the back, though! Acknowledge all the small steps and progress along the way.

Reward Yourself
Rewarding yourself for achieving your goals can help keep you motivated and on track—just avoid rewards, like skipping your next workout, that counteract your efforts. A good reward is something that you genuinely enjoy and that keeps you stepping into your workout gear. Even better if it’s tied directly to achieving your goals, like watching a favorite show during cardio or seeing a good friend for a weekly class or group training session.

Pace Yourself
It’s easy to take on too much at the start when you’re fueled by the excitement of taking on a new plan. To effect real long term fitness changes, you want to be sure your plan is sustainable and that your goals are achievable and measurable. Starting slow can also help you avoid injuries that could knock your goals off course.

Make It a Habit
To keep working toward your goals for the whole year, working out needs to become a habit. The easiest way to do that is to workout consistently at the same times and days each week. Make the habit form more quickly by connecting your workout to habits that you already have, such as adding a workout to your after-work routine.

Fuel Your Body
Give your body what it needs to be successful. Eating healthy is an essential part of any fitness plan. Make sure you’re eating a balanced diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables and high in protein

Stay Hydrated
Staying hydrated is essential for your health and fitness. Make sure you’re drinking plenty of water throughout the day. It’s easier to stay motivated and stay on track when you give your body what it needs to keep moving and feel great.

Get Enough Sleep
Getting enough sleep is essential for maintaining good health and staying on track with your fitness resolutions. If you aren’t getting enough sleep, your body isn’t able to repair and recover properly, and you’ll see less progress and have a higher likelihood of injury.

Make a Plan

Make a plan of action for how you’re going to reach your goals. The more specific and actionable the better—think “yoga three times a week” rather than “lose weight.” 

Utilize a Personal Trainer
A trainer isn’t always a possibility for everyone, but having an expert on your side is a huge assist in reaching your goals. A personal trainer can offer a tailor-made workout plan, track metrics to keep you progressing toward your goals, provide nutrition plans, and keep you accountable. Joining a group training session can combine a social element and make the experience more affordable.

Keeping your fitness resolutions can be challenging, but with these tips you can stay on track and make sure you reach your goals. Good luck!

Ford Stevens