Effective rest and recuperation

It’s that time of year again. The days are short, the brisk fall days have turned to straight up winter weather, and some of us are ready to go into hibernation. And while it’s important not to take too long of a break from a regular fitness routine, rest and recuperation are an important aspect of a fitness program. 

The human body is designed to move and be active, but it also needs rest and recovery. Resting and recuperating after physical activity is essential for your body to recover, repair, and rebuild muscle, and it is necessary to prevent injuries. Rest and recovery can also help reduce fatigue, improve performance, and speed up recovery time. 

Cool down
Recovery begins by cooling down after a workout. A gradual return to your pre-workout heart rate can help prevent dizziness and regulate blood flow. The continued easy movement of a cool down also helps your muscles recover by clearing lactic acid, reducing delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS). 


Plan in rest days
It takes time for your muscles to repair and rebuild after intense workouts, and if you don’t give them the proper rest, they won’t be able to perform at their best. A general rule is to give each muscle group 48 hours to recover before being worked again. If you’re new to a resistance training program (weight lifting), you may need a little more time to fully recover. 


Recovery doesn’t have to be sedentary, though. Active rest days can include light stretching, walking, yoga, or any other activity that is low-intensity and relaxing. These activities can help your body to recover and prepare for the next workout. 

Take care of yourself out of the gym

Getting adequate sleep is also essential for rest and recovery. Sleep allows your body to repair and build muscle, and it helps to reduce stress levels. Aim for 7–8 hours of uninterrupted sleep each night.

Eating healthy, nutritious meals is another way to support your recovery. Aim for whole foods loaded with nutrients and with sufficient protein to support muscle repair. And don’t forget to fill up that water bottle on your way out of the gym!

Most importantly, fitness and health is a marathon. Without rest, recovery, and patience, there’s a risk of burning out. At Body by Ford Personal Trainers, we help people make changes in small, sustainable ways to develop fitness and improve health for a lifetime. 

Ford Stevens