Wishing You a Happy, Healthy Holiday Season

The holidays are a time for family, friends, and food. Lots and lots of food. It’s easy to let your diet and workout routine slide during this time of year, but there are ways to stay on track. Here are a few tips:

1. Make a plan. Decide what you’re going to eat and when you’re going to exercise. Write it down or tell someone about your plan so you’re accountable. Research your destination—you may be able to find a nearby gym offering daypasses or a local park with running trails and an outdoor gym.

2. Don’t deprive yourself. Allow yourself to enjoy holiday foods, but in moderation. Balance out the indulgences with healthy meals and snacks. Keep to reasonable portion sizes and fill up on healthy proteins. Eat that pie you’ve been looking forward to all year, but after you’ve had a nutritious, low-calorie breakfast and lunch!

3. Stay active. Something is better than nothing! Go for a walk with your family or friends, play some holiday-themed games, or dance along to your favorite holiday songs. 

4. Make the most of it. Sometimes a break can be good, mentally and physically. If you’re feeling overtrained or unexcited to be in the gym, this can be a good time to step away from a serious routine for a few days, up to a week. Focus on being active in ways that are fun, playful, and new!

5. Know yourself. What helps keep you motivated? What throws you off track? Maintaining a streak can be motivating for a lot of people, but for some it can be especially demoralizing to break. If a slip-up tends to knock you off track, try temporarily setting a more realistic daily calorie goal (if you’re using a food tracking app) or factoring in extra rest days. You’re maintaining your streak because you’re still being intentional about what your goals are. 

6. Stay positive. The holidays are a time to enjoy, so don’t beat yourself up if you do slip up. Just get back on track and keep going.

Ford Stevens