How long should I rest between sets?

Starting a weight lifting routine begins with determining your workout goals and finding a set of exercises that meet those goals and keep you engaged in your workouts. Once you know your goals and have a training plan, you’re ready to optimize your workout. A common question we hear from clients is “How long should I rest between sets?” The answer is going to vary based on what you’re hoping to get out of your time at the gym.

Optimizing strength building

Powerlifters, who are looking to increase their strength, need more rest between sets. Target up to 5 minutes of rest. This longer rest period allows a fuller recovery to continue lifting heavy loads.  Furthermore, the sets powerlifters engage in during a workout are likely going to be heavy loads for sets of 3-6 reps.

Muscle building

For those looking to increase muscle mass, a short rest period is all you need. Studies support 1–2 minutes rest between sets as being ideal for inducing muscular hypertrophy.  Bodybuilders and others looking to pack on muscle should follow this rest protocol.

General fitness

For the majority of gym-goers looking to improve cardiovascular fitness, get leaner, and build some muscle, circuit-based training is ideal. For a circuit workout, rest briefly (under 1 minute) between sets, then take a slightly longer break (2–3 minutes) at the end of each circuit. This rest timing also has benefits for increasing muscle endurance. The short rests between exercises keeps the heart rate elevated—adding a cardio workout on top of your resistance training. The longer break between circuits provides adequate recovery time between subsequent sets of the same exercise.

Additionally, consider your age and how long you’ve been training—lifters over 60 and beginners generally need more rest between sets. However, individual differences apply, and can be affected by your diet, sleep, and even muscle composition.

Ultimately, the ideal rest period between sets is individual to you and your training goals. At BXF, we take your training goals as the starting point. We work with each client to develop training programs, exercise options, and nutrition plans that will meet your individual needs. This approach applies to optimizing all aspects of a workout, including rest periods! 

Ford Stevens